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Discover the timeless benefits of sheep milk. Throughout history and around the world today sheep have been prized for their milk, meat and fiber. Packed with more protein, minerals and healthy fats than cow or goats milk. Sheep's milk is an unbeatable choice for crafting butter, ice cream, yogurt, cheese and even luxurious soaps.


How is it different?

Sheep milk contains a different protein structure, specifically the A2 protein, which is easier to digest for many individuals who are sensitive to cow milk proteins (A1 and A2). Sheep milk has a lower lactose content compared to cow milk. It also contains a distinct fatty acid profile, which may contribute to its easier digestibility and reduced allergic potential compared to cow milk. Individual tolerance can vary and some people with milk sensitivity may still react to sheep milk. 


Our Sheep

In the hot and humid southeast we needed a breed that could tolerate or climate. We also wanted something parasite resistant that shed its wool or was easy to shear. Most importantly, we wanted ewe's who could produce enough milk to cover our needs and feed her lambs without losing her conditioning. 


Our ewes lamb each year in the spring and are milked for 8 months. On the stand, they receive a 100% certified organic feed and we never spray our fields or hay with pesticides or herbicides. The ewes dry off in the fall and breeding begins again.  Winter brings a well deserved break for the sheep and their milker as we wait on lambs to arrive once again. 


We cross our Gulf Coast Native Ewe's with a Barbados Blackbelly Ram to produce a milk sheep that has greater natural parasite resistance, heat tolerance and NO horns. They also tend to shed all of their wool from the chest down. 


Top 3 Reasons Sheep are PERFECT for your homestead:

  • Smaller and easier to handle than dairy cows. So they eat less and require less space.
  • They are easier to contain than goats.
  • They don't produce the 3-8 gallons a day (depending on lactation stage) a milk cow can produce. What would you do with that much milk EVERY DAY for months?

Milk Sheep

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