Barbados Blackbelly sheep thrive in the hot, humid environments that are challenging for most sheep, but also do well in colder climates. Barbados Blackbellys are excellent foragers and can survive on poor-quality pasture. They are highly resistant to disease and can tolerate a higher worm load without requiring chemical intervention.
This alert breed is low-maintenance as it does not require shearing – they naturally shed each year. They can be a good option for farmers who do not have a lot of experience with sheep. Their adaptation to tropical climates (unusual for sheep) gives the breed significant genetic value.
Barbados Blackbelly sheep have a reddish-brown or tan body with black on the belly and legs and black facial bars. Rams have a mane of thick hair that extends down the neck and brisket and may cover the shoulder. Both sexes are polled.
They breed and lamb year-round. The ewes can maintain pregnancies throughout the heat of the summer. Optimally, a ewe is first bred no earlier than 6 months of age and thus will lamb at 13 months. Some ewes do lamb earlier, and some may even twin the first time. Thereafter, a good ewe will birth twins about four out of five lambings, and triplets are not uncommon. A good ewe will lamb as frequently as every 6 months, and most will lamb about every 8 months. Ewes will breed back before their lambs are weaned. Ram lambs can breed as young as 4 months, but most become fertile at 6 months. Ewes rarely require assistance during lambing, are excellent mothers, and quickly bond to their lambs. The mothers isolate their babies from the flock on their own, finding shelter from cold winds and heavy rains, and bond during the first 24 hours. The Barbados Blackbelly is a slow-maturing breed.
Their meat is described as having an excellent, mild flavor, likely due to it having less fat than the meat of other breeds. The distinctive smell and flavor of lamb meat is due to this fat found in other breeds. There is no muttony taste, even in 2-year-old rams. Unlike meat from most wooled breeds of lamb, Blackbelly meat is very mild flavored and lean, like venison.
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